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Welcome to The 99quiz!
Test your knowledge by playing the best free quizzes and learn new things! Logo quiz, geography, music, film, history, cars, sports – all these quizzes in one place.
logo quiz If your know brands, try our logo quizzes! You can find not only the classical company logo quizzes, but you can test your knowledge in logo categories including cars, fashion, spirits, beer and other logos as well.
Try our most popular Logo Quiz! |  |
geography quiz If you play our geography quizzes, you can test how much you know about the world. Map quizzes, cities, capital cities, countries, flags, rivers, lakes, attractions, mountains and valleys on the Earth and in the universe.
 | Try our most popular Geography Quiz! |
music quiz This is the right place for every lover of music. Lyrics, bands, musicians, singers and everything else that is music. Test your knowledge on music from RAP to POP, from classical to electronic music. Recognise performers and their famous pieces of music.
Try our most popular Music Quiz! |  |
movie quiz Do you everything about films? Can you recognise your favourite serials from a shortcut? Show it to the world how much you know about film art, or the most popular TV serials, and try our film and TV quizzes.
 | Try our most popular Movie Quiz! |
car quiz Do you know cars well? Can you recognise any type by a tiny detail? How many sports, luxury or simple city cars can you recognise on the basis of photos or data? Test your knowledge on cars by playing our car quizzes!
Try our most popular Car Quiz! |  |
history quiz How much do you know about history? Free history games on every age from the ancient times through the Middle Ages up to the present day. Famous battles and wars, leaders, politicians and the most important historical events.
 | Try our most popular History Quiz! |
sports quiz Do you know every result of your favourite team by heart? Do you know when your favourite sportsman was born? Can you recognise every famous racetrack? You can test your sports knowledge by answering these and similar questions in the sports category.
Try our most popular Sports Quiz! |  |
Learn by playing our free quizzes! We have created our free online quiz games so that you can test and at the same time extend your knowledge in a playful manner.
miscellaneous Everything that does not belong to the any category. Aircrafts and ships, languages and religions, food and drink, and many more topics. Test your knowledge by playing our free quizzes selected from various topics, and show it to the world that you are the best.
Try our most popular misc. quiz! |  |